So, this is my first blog entry and I'll start off by saying that I hate blogging and never know what to write. Do I tell the world what I had for breakfast today (a cup of coffee and two cups of black tea)?
Do I give a speech about the state of the world? This country is going to the dogs and the state of the world is : crappy. Besides, this is not a f*cking newspaper. *joking*. Do I spill all my dark secrets? My close friends know all of them anyway and my not so close friends can at least guess at them.
So, seeing as I've finally graduated, I thought I'd recap the last 7 (!!!) years to see what has changed in my life, how I have changed. Usually, those things (like graduating, moving home etc) just kinda pass me by. I suppose I am a stoic at heart after all, even though I'll throw the occasional fit if/when people get on my nerves too much.
1. things still pass me by
got my exam results the day before yesterday and.. well, yep, I did raise an eyebrow, but so far I've refrained from posting them all over the internet etc. er, well, technically, that's not something that's changed, then, is it?
2. the hubbers
I've been together with my 'hubby' (boyfriend), the Beany Bear, for more than three years and we've been living together for 2 years. I love watching him sleep, shower, eat his breakfast, shave, grumble, whatever... I used to think that I'm not cut out for cohabitation but it turns out I'm really dull and all I want to do after a long day at univ/ work is go home and sit on the sofa with the hubby.
Yeah, I know it sounds boring. Life is boring. Get used to it :)
If he knew I've been showing around pics of him sleeping and pointing his beany fingers out of the blanket, he'd still strangle me, though :)
3. I always kinda knew this...
... but I learned it again: I don't like 'funny', attention-seeking, desperate or 'sociable' people.
If you get along with everyone and anyone, that's fine. If you're "(best) friends" with everyone and anyone, it means either or both of the following: a) your perception is warped, b) there isn't enough of a you for me to be friends with.
It said in Glamour (yep, I read Glamour... once a year) that if someone creates more negative emotions in you than positive ones, they're not a friend and it's time to gently let them down. Well, some people just won't take hints and insist on having their head bitten off. Serves them right. Anways, the point is that sometimes it's better to rely on your intuition and not be rational and look for people's good sides or make up excuses for them. I'll try to rely on my intuition more from now on. If someone makes me happy, I'll be friends with them. If someone makes me feel angry, jealous, envious, arrogant, insecure etc, I won't have anything to do with them.
3. 1/2 I still don't like blogging
So I'll take a break now and write about the other 7 things that have changed later. Grrrr, I made a mental list of them the other day and, of course, I filed it somewhere with "aunt's birthday", " 'wedding' anniversary", "turn the heating off", "do the hoovering". :(
~~~ random youtube stuff~~~
here's some random links. I'll spare you the Kirk/Spock or Spock/McCoy slash vids...... for the time being :D
my new "favourite" drama/sitcom series by lilredheadstudios.
Random Children of Bodom Song of the Day: Punch me, I bleed
tru leet metal. Alexi rules. "What doesn't kill you only makes you pissed off!" *lol*
Random Schmaltzy Song of the Day: Anthony Hamilton - Do you feel me
Random Old Geezer Song: Otis Redding - Try a little tenderness
Picard techno (?) :)
a cool song made up of Picard quotes.
Patrick Stewart goes to McDonalds
a hilarious cartoon :)